Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Needing some inspiration

Well, it's been a slow day at work, and I've been browsing ApartmentTherapy all day long. I found some really awesome rooms and projects over there, but they didn't have a "Share on Blogger" button! My only complaint about the site. Ah well. So, if you're a Facebook friend, don't judge me by my recent wall postings. I just needed to get the word out there!

Now it's an about an hour until I leave, and I have a couple minutes, I can get some links up, to those possible readers who might actually enjoy them.

Inner Mission, SF

This one I absolutely adore (it's a house tour, if you click the link) because of how comfortable and eclectic it is, without looking like a chaotic mishmash of items. Best part is, all their furniture is from Craigslist, or IKEA. Loves it!

This I just love because of the colors, and I've always wanted a comfortable place to sit and read, and this room looks so inviting! Too bad I don't have enough books to fill up that many shelves, but it's definitely a life goal. Maybe I can do a smaller rainbow on those bookshelves I posted last week?

Streamlines Desk

This is definitely something we can use. We finally got the full bed into the guest room, and the tiny room is now even smaller. We have a similar crappy wobbly econo-desk in there now, and the three pieces of furniture really have nothing to do with one another. Streamlining like this (especially since we have a fancy iMac) will allow us to have more room for guests...a guest room that just happens to hold our computer, versus a forgotten office with a bed stored in there.

I'm tackling some parts of the backyard this weekend, trying to clear out space for a veggie/fruit garden. Lots of rock to dig up, and then raised beds to be built. Sunflowers anyone?

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