Friday, December 11, 2009

Rocker Re-Do: Part Two

After two makeovers, and a whole lot of Gorilla Glue and staples, I think we finally have a keeper. Let's take a trip through this rocker's short, but colorful history.

The original:
Dusty, ricketty mess. Free, but Trevor deems it 'fugly' and refuses to even help me carry it into the house.

The sequel:
Sanded down, white paint, and blue fabric. We didn't know the sex of the baby yet, and I tried to convince Trev the flowers made it neutral. However, once we found out it was a girl, and started the baby's room, it failed to fit in. Luckily, I was able to salvage the fabric.

The finale (until baby #2):
Thanks to an afternoon with my amazingly talented friend Kelly, I recovered the chair in the same (free) fabric we did the changing pad in. While this fabric was obnoxiously bright, and I figured Trevor would hate it, he actually was the one who requested it!

I couldn't help but include the photo with my ham of a dog, Allie. She seems to keep slipping into these nursery photos. I think she might think it's HER room. Official nursery tour coming very soon, I'm just waiting for the final piece to come from my new favorite Etsy seller. Any clue on how I can get it on OhDeeDoh?

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